Khan el-Khalili FAQs


Most frequent questions and answers

Khan el-Khalili is a vibrant, historic market in the bustling heart of Old Cairo. It has been around for hundreds of years – travelers and locals alike have been drawn to its maze of alleys, enchanting aromas, and busy stores. The unique selection of goods available here ranges from freshly made spices to jewelry and accessories. While shopping, visitors can experience traditional Egyptian fare such as tea, shisha, and street food that has left customers coming back for more over the centuries. Despite the hustle and bustle of the activity surrounding it, Khan el-Khalili retains its charm as one of Cairo’s most renowned markets.

Admission into the market is free. You can pay for tours around the market but please do your research before booking and go with reliable sources.

Nestled in the heart of Cairo, Khan el-Khalili Market is an unforgettable destination for tourists and locals alike. It is more than a market; it is an experience from another time and place. People shopping here can find a dizzying array of items, from spices like cumin and turmeric to dazzling trinkets and jewelry, lanterns and lights, common household objects, perfumes, teas, nuts and dried fruits. It’s also one of the best places in town to shop for souvenirs or pick up handmade items made by local artisans. Wander its maze-like streets and get lost in the fragrances found amongst vats of incense and exotic spices as you purchase handmade jewelry or traditional handicrafts that tell stories of generations past. Whatever you do while you’re here, your visit to Khan el-Khalili Market will stay with you long after your departure.
The best time to go to this bustling marketplace is early morning during weekdays when there are fewer people in the area. This way, it is easier for you to find good deals and get the opportunity to talk with the locals, who will be more than happy to share their knowledge of the culture and show off their products. Additionally, if you go at that time of day, you can have a break from the heat when it’s still cool inside. All in all, for those looking for an exotic shopping experience or eager to buy souvenirs from Egypt, early morning during weekdays is definitely the ideal time to take a trip to Khan el-Khalili Market.

Yes, Khan el-Khalili Market is surrounded by numerous restaurants, cafes, and street food stalls where you can sample delicious traditional Egyptian cuisine and refreshing beverages.

Yes, there are ATMs and currency exchange services available in and around Khan el-Khalili Market. It’s always advisable to carry cash in smaller denominations for easier transactions.

Khan el-Khalili Market is safe to visit. However, it’s always advisable to remain cautious and keep an eye on your belongings, as crowded areas can attract pickpockets. Stay aware of your surroundings and follow basic safety precautions.

Yes, bargaining is a common practice at Khan el-Khalili Market. Vendors expect customers to negotiate, so don’t hesitate to engage in friendly haggling to get the best price for your desired items.


Khan el-Khalili Market is situated in the heart of Islamic Cairo, near the Saladin Citadel. Its central location makes it easily accessible for both locals and tourists. Learn more on our How To Get Here page.

Weekdays are generally less crowded than weekends, offering a more relaxed experience. It’s recommended to explore the market in the morning or afternoon to avoid the busiest times. Visit our Opening Times page for more information.