A First Timer’s Guide to Khan El Khalili Market

Welcome to Khan El Khalili, Cairo’s bustling bazaar that has been enchanting visitors with its vibrant atmosphere and rich history for over six centuries. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or a first-time visitor, Khan El Khalili is an experience you won’t want to miss. This guide will help you navigate the market’s labyrinthine alleys, uncover hidden gems, and make the most of your visit.

A Brief History of Khan El Khalili

Khan El Khalili was established in 1382 by the Emir Djaharks El Khalili, during the Mamluk era. Originally intended as a hub for merchants and traders from around the world, the market has evolved into a cultural treasure trove that showcases Egypt’s unique blend of history, culture, and commerce. Its narrow streets, medieval architecture, and bustling atmosphere provide a sensory experience unlike any other.

Getting There

Located in the heart of Islamic Cairo, Khan El Khalili is easily accessible by various modes of transportation:

  • By Metro: The nearest metro station is Attaba, about a 10-minute walk from the market entrance.
  • By Taxi/Uber: Simply tell your driver to take you to Khan El Khalili or Al-Hussein Mosque.
  • By Bus: Several bus routes pass through or near the market, but be prepared for a bit of a walk from the bus stop.

When to Visit

Khan El Khalili is open daily from around 9 AM to well into the evening, but the best time to visit is either early in the morning or late in the afternoon. This way, you can avoid the midday heat and the crowds, making it easier to explore and enjoy the market at a leisurely pace.

Must-See Attractions

Al-Hussein Mosque

One of the most significant mosques in Cairo, Al-Hussein Mosque is believed to house the head of Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad. Its beautiful architecture and spiritual significance make it a must-visit.

Al-Azhar Mosque

Another iconic mosque, Al-Azhar Mosque, is just a stone’s throw from Khan El Khalili. Founded in 970 AD, it has long been a center of Islamic learning and is a stunning example of Fatimid architecture.

Street Performers and Traditional Music

As you wander through the market, you’ll likely encounter traditional musicians, dancers, and street performers. These spontaneous performances add to the vibrant atmosphere and offer a glimpse into Cairo’s rich cultural heritage.

What to Buy

Khan El Khalili is a shopper’s paradise, filled with a wide array of goods that range from traditional to modern:


From gold and silver to semi-precious stones, the market is renowned for its exquisite jewelry. Be sure to visit the shops specializing in handcrafted pieces that reflect Egypt’s artistry.


The aroma of exotic spices will lead you to stalls selling everything from saffron and cumin to hibiscus and anise. Buying spices here offers a tangible taste of Egypt to take home.

Textiles and Carpets

Whether you’re looking for handmade carpets, kilims, or traditional Egyptian cotton, Khan El Khalili offers a diverse selection of textiles that make for perfect souvenirs or gifts.

Souvenirs and Handicrafts

From alabaster statues and papyrus scrolls to colorful lanterns and hookah pipes, you’ll find a plethora of unique items that capture the essence of Egyptian culture.

Tips for First-Time Visitors

Bargaining is Expected

Haggling is a part of the shopping experience at Khan El Khalili. Don’t be afraid to negotiate the price; start by offering about half of the initial asking price and work your way up from there.

Stay Aware of Your Surroundings

While Khan El Khalili is generally safe, it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on your belongings and be aware of your surroundings, especially during peak hours.

Dress Modestly

As a sign of respect for local customs and religious sites nearby, it’s advisable to dress modestly. Light, breathable clothing that covers your shoulders and knees is recommended.

Take Your Time

With so much to see and do, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Take your time exploring and don’t rush. Sit down for a cup of traditional Egyptian tea or coffee at one of the many charming cafes and soak in the ambiance.

Ask for Recommendations

The vendors and locals are often more than willing to share their favorite spots and hidden gems. Don’t hesitate to ask for recommendations on shops, eateries, or must-see attractions.

Dining Options

El Fishawi Café

Known as the oldest café in Cairo, El Fishawi has been serving patrons since 1773. Enjoy a cup of mint tea or a traditional Egyptian coffee while taking in the historic surroundings.

Naguib Mahfouz Café

Named after the Nobel Prize-winning Egyptian author, this café offers a more upscale dining experience with a menu featuring traditional Egyptian dishes and international cuisine.

Street Food

For a more casual experience, try some of the delicious street food available throughout the market. Popular choices include falafel, koshari, and freshly baked bread.


Khan El Khalili Market is more than just a shopping destination; it’s a journey through time and culture that offers an unforgettable experience for first-time visitors. Whether you’re there to shop, explore, or simply soak in the atmosphere, Khan El Khalili promises a memorable adventure.

Ready to embark on your journey to Cairo’s most famous market? Plan your visit and explore more tips and guides on khanelkhalilicairo.com.

Happy exploring!