48 Hours in Cairo: How to Spend Your Time

Cairo, the vibrant heart of Egypt, is a city that never sleeps. It’s a metropolis where ancient history and modernity collide in a whirlwind of sights, sounds, and smells. With only 48 hours to explore, you’ll need to plan carefully to make the most out of your time in this fascinating city. Here’s a suggested itinerary to help you experience the best that Cairo has to offer.

Day 1: Step into the Past


Begin your day with a visit to the iconic Pyramids of Giza, home to the Great Pyramid of Khufu, the Pyramid of Khafre, and the Pyramid of Menkaure. Don’t forget to take a selfie with the enigmatic Sphinx, a timeless symbol of Egypt.


After a delicious lunch of falafel and koshari, head to the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square. This museum houses the world’s most extensive collection of Pharaonic antiquities, including Tutankhamun’s golden mask and numerous mummies.


End your day with a traditional felucca ride on the Nile River at sunset. The cool breeze and stunning views of the cityscape will provide a perfect end to your first day in Cairo.

Day 2: Experience the Bustling City Life


Start your second day exploring Islamic Cairo. Visit the breathtaking Mosque of Muhammad Ali, also known as the Alabaster Mosque, located in the Citadel. Its Ottoman-style architecture and panoramic view of the city are not to be missed.


Spend your afternoon in the bustling labyrinth of Khan El Khalili Bazaar. This market is a treasure trove of traditional crafts, spices, jewelry, and antiques. Remember to haggle to get the best deals!


For dinner, head to a local restaurant and try the traditional Egyptian dish, molokhia. Afterward, catch a whirling dervish show at Wekalet El Ghouri Arts Center, a mesmerizing dance form that is an integral part of Cairo’s culture.

48 hours is certainly not enough to experience all of Cairo’s wonders. However, this itinerary gives you a glimpse into its rich history, vibrant culture, and delicious cuisine. Whether you’re a history buff, a foodie, or an adventurer, Cairo has something to offer everyone. So, pack your bags and get ready for an unforgettable journey through time in Cairo.